Helicopter Tree is a slender, deciduous tree, with smooth, grey bark,
often bleaching to a silvery-white on the sunny side. Leaves are spirally
arranged, crowded near the ends of branches, up to 15 × 12 cm. Leaves are
ovate, often more or less deeply 3-lobed, dark green above, paler greyish
below, finely velvety on both surfaces, markedly 3-veined from the base.
Veins are yellowish; stalk up to 9 cm long. Flowers arise in compact
heads, yellowish-green, with an unpleasant smell. Fruit a woody nut with 2
long thin wings, aiding wind dispersal. It is this winged, flying nut that
gave the tree its various common names. Helicopter tree is native to
India, Tropical regions of America, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Identification credit: Barry Stock
Photographed at Bhongir Fort & Mamandur, Andhra Pradesh & Nilgiris distt, Tamil Nadu.
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